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  • Writer's pictureKathryn Schwartz


Ten toes, that’s what you see in the summer... Shoes and socks, that’s what you see in the winter... Walking around wondering why it matters. Looking down because no one wants to see you, and to be honest you don’t want to see anyone either... The only time you see people is when you’re alone in a corner booth, with a book covering most of your face.

It leaves only your eyes uncovered, and even then, only enough for you to see over the top, not for anyone else to see you. You watch people and make note of what is going on in their head.

How they act and how they see others... Everyday you do the same thing.

You order a coffee, go to your booth, get your book out... the same one every time...

You lift it to your face and don’t read.... Every so often you turn a page though, just incase someone wonders why you’re taking so long to read. Everyday.... the same thing. Over and over... never noticing that in that booth behind you.... there is another book, with a pair of eyes doing the same thing you are doing.... except he isn’t watching the other people, no, he’s watching you. Gauging what to do or what to say... if anything. Before he gets a chance you decide to leave. This happens more times than you know...

But one day... One day he decides it’s more important that you know he thinks you’re beautiful than for him to be scared that the beauty he sees in front of him will walk away, again, and maybe not return. His book closes, and he looks around... No one is looking at him.

He has a chance to sit back down and open that book again and no one would know....

But no one would know. He doesn’t sit back down.... he doesn’t open the book again. He walks straight to you, and you have no idea... .....”b-b-b-beautiful, um, you’re beautiful, and-and-and I wanted you to know that”..... He hurry’s out the door before you have a chance to say anything in response.

Which is good because you are in shock... But what he doesn’t remember is, he left his book on your table. His favorite book. You don't know that though, all you know is, he left a book on your table. You pick it up and wonder what type of book it is.... the book falls open when you pick it up, and a page falls out. It has an address on it and you think for a moment to leave the book where it lays and leave the coffee shop. Forget anything happened... But... Something inside you says “beautiful, I think you’re beautiful” and you can’t help but wonder...

“Is it true?” It’s now raining out side and you don’t have your umbrella... but... “beautiful” is the only word that comes to your mind. You make up your mind that you will return this lost book, it doesn’t matter if you have to speak aloud or not. You walk out the door and.... There he is. Standing in the rain smiling... Looking directly at you... and smiling like no one can see. You look straight into his eyes and immediately look back at those shoes you put on this morning... A feeling you have never felt before over comes you... A burning sensation in your cheeks, that, in all honesty, feels pleasant... You looked down so fast that your hair falls in your face but you don’t want to move because he might notice and say something else... You look up, just enough to see his shoes... Just enough to see his hands....

Just enough to see his face....

Then suddenly...

Suddenly you’re looking directly into his smile again... The smile still reaching his eyes... His sparkling eyes... Again, that sensation comes over you but this time.... t

his time you don’t look away. The rain is continuing to fall but it doesn’t matter to you, it doesn’t matter to either of you... Silence.... nothing but rain hitting the ground... people are passing you but for once in your life, you don’t notice. You don’t notice anything but his smile and his eyes... “Beautiful.....” You don’t know where it came from! You saw his mouth move and you heard your voice... You realize, suddenly that it was both of you... There was only one word that could capture this moment..... Beautiful.

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